Racing Thoughts, tension in your body, sleepless nights?

A little bit of anxiety is good for us. It helps us be alert when in dangerous situations. However, it’s not healthy to feel anxious or on edge constantly. It can take a toll on our mental, emotional, and physical health.

In counseling, we can work on:

  • A constant focus on the past or the future

  • Body tension/Restlessness

  • Losing time in your day in class/work or at home

  • Irritability

  • pulling away from friends/family

  • trouble falling asleep or staying asleep

  • constant headaches

  • frequent stomach issues

  • falling grades in classes

  • procrastination

Let’s work together on being more present in each day. The past is over but, what was learned from it? We can’t control the future but let’s talk about why we worry about it so much. Let’s also work on communicating our fears and facing hard things one at a time. I want to arm you with skills and strategies to manage your anxiety and move forward with confidence.

Email to schedule a free 15 minute initial phone consultation.