How to Survive & Thrive in Middle School - Tips from a Middle Schooler
While most of my clients are in high school or college. I have a few outstanding 8th graders who were gracious enough to offer tips on how to be successful in Middle School. The tips were cultivated after a great deal of trial & error and self-work.
1. Do not remind teacher about homework. (I feel like this advice is good from Kindergarten to Graduate School.)
2. Push against peer pressure. Arm yourself with good friends, extracurricular passions, and trusted adults.
3. Trust your gut. If it feels wrong, scary, dangerous, it probably is....
4. Do not get involved with a conflict or drama unless it has to do with you. (This one of my favorites!)
5. Let annoying behaviors go. (Caveat: unless it impedes learning.) When asked for examples of what they meant, I got: putting on makeup in class, foot tapping, sniffing loudly.
6. Do not report on people unless they are hurting you or others. I asked what their personal line was and they said racist, homophobic, and threatening words/actions.
7. Do not get involved with the “wrong people.” I asked, how do you know? They said, you evaluate their choices, words, behaviors, and other friends.
8. Do not post your problems on social media. (Again, advice that could be applied for a lifetime.)
9. Don't try to force a relationship. Clarification: friendship OR romantic
10. Don't put others down to make yourself feel better (also don't put yourself down). Another favorite!
Couldn’t have said it better myself!